VienneMilano, the first luxury Italian hosiery brand, would like you to write for us! We're looking for fabulous bloggers with an even more fabulous sense of style to provide anywhere between 2-4 posts over a 3-month period. The topics can range from style guides for thigh high hosiery to answering our fans’ questions and more. What’s trending in thigh highs? Who’s wearing what? How are they being paired and styled? We want to hear from you!

Here are some of the kinds of topics we look for:

  • Wedding Day Hosiery: Tips & Tricks
  • Thigh Highs are for Bridesmaids Too!
  • Where to Wear Your Opaque Thigh Highs
  • Stockings With Sandals? Yay or Nay?
  • Vintage Halloween Costumes to Impress Your BOO!
  • Rock Your Thigh Highs with Boots
  • Thigh Highs and Stirrups
  • Best Shoes to Pair With Your Thigh Highs
  • 8 Thigh High No No's
  • Angelic, All in White Lingerie
  • How to wear socks with stilettos
  • Petites in Stay ups
  • Slay the Look: Fur Jacket and Thigh Highs
  • Bring Back 90's Glam with your Thigh Highs
  • Stockings With Socks
  • Brown Stockings
  • Socks With Stilettos
  • What is the Difference Between Stay Ups, Hold Ups, and Thigh High Hosiery?
  • How to Select Thigh Highs

Who are we looking for? We are seeking someone with a strong passion for all things related to hosiery, stockings, and more! The right candidates will have a fabulous command of the English language, an eye for style, and a mind for creative collaboration. A sense of humor and whimsy is an absolute must-have, as well. Are you into funky fashions? Do you have your hand on the button of this season’s celebrity trends? Show us your personality!

About VienneMilano

VienneMilano is a luxury hosiery brand dedicated to thigh high stockings. All our products are made in Italy to help every woman look and feel fabulous. As a result, our blog focuses on hosiery, thigh highs, luxury goods, and Italy.

Our customer is a woman who wants to reveal her style and confidence by being sophisticated, playful and seductive in every occasion. We urge writers to keep our customer and brand positioning in mind when writing for us as it is important to maintain consistency. Additionally, your article must maintain the following criteria:

  • Your article must fit our brand. We are a luxury hosiery brand - our readers expect to read articles related to the topic of hosiery. Please visit our About Us section so that you are familiar with our brand.
  • We reserve the right to edit and reject articles. There's not much to elaborate here. If we don't like your work, we will simply not publish it.
  • Your article must demonstrate your command of the English language. While English is not our native language, it pains us to no end when we see writers who write unintelligibly.
  • Word count: Your article must contain at least 500 words.
  • Title, meta title, meta description, keywords: Please provide a title, meta title, meta description and keywords relevant to your article. Brownie points for using keywords and phrases that are optimized for search engines.
  • No Plagiarism. Your article must be written by you and that your content is not found on any other websites.

Looking for more incentives? All blogs will be absolutely yours — VienneMilano is not looking to co-opt anyone’s work. And not only will your writing gain exposure, you could earn status as a featured writer, all the while writing about the styles and accessories that you love!

Are you in? If you’re ready to help women everywhere in their mission to become more confident and sexy by the day, then write to us at In your email, you must include current blog posts that you have written, a brief description of who you are, and a brief list of topics that you would like to write about and why.

July 14, 2017

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